NAAC Accreditions


As per the requirements of NAAC and the UGC, the College constituted The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Quality Advisory Committee (QAC) immediately after the accreditation in 2003. The IQAC maintains a record of all the activities of the College and sends the annual quality report to the NAAC office and to theUniversity of Mumbai. It hold meetings twice a year to review the performance of theCollege and to suggest ways to enhance the quality initiatives. The Quality AssuranceCell (QAC), comprising of the senior-most of the teachers of the College acts as an Advisory Body to the IQAC. The Members of the QAC attend all the meetings of the IQAC. The Internal Quality Assurance System of the College comprises of well entrenched mechanisms which are monitored by Statutory Bodies such as the Local Managing Committee, Admission Committee, Examination Committee, Unfair Means Inquiry Committee, Purchase Committee, Science Association, Marathi Vangamaya Mandal, BC Cell WDC, the Anti Ragging Cell, and the Students’ Council - all of which have been constituted as per the provisions of the University, Government and the University Grants Commission. The Advisory Committee monitors the overall functioning of the College.

Coordinators of IQAC:


2010- 2012 : Dr: Padma Deshmukh and Dr. Prashant Kelkar

2012-2013 : Dr: Vivek Kale

2013-2015 : Ms: Indira Nair

2015-2018 : Dr: Bela Nabar

2018-2020 : Dr: Pratima Das

2020 onwards: Dr: Neena Anand

NAAC Accreditation Details:

CycleGradeCGPAYear of AccrediationValidity
Period FromPeriod To

CHM SSR III Cycle: Click here to view